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[Image: Of prices Logo]

We pride ourselves on the Quality of work we put out. We also strive to offer the best sevices for competitive pricing. If you should find a company that provides high quality work for lower prices, please let us know via e-mail and we will look into restructuring our prices to fit your needs.
Web Access Account
Pop3 E-mailbox
Virtual Web Server
Virtual E-mail Services
Virtual Anonymous FTP
Mailing Listserv
TIBS Prices
$ 15 a month
$  5 a month
$  5 a month
$  5 a month
$  5 a month
$  5 a month
$ 10 a month
The Average Competition
$ 30 a month
$ 15 a month
$ 15 a month
$ 50 a month
$  8 a month
$ 10 a month
$ 15 a month

All TIBS's Accounts/Web Hostings prices will be discounted to 10 months if signed up for a year.
These services may have setup fees, please click on the links to get the full prices and details on each service type.

Web Design Services
HTML Programming
Graphic Design
GIF Animation
Scanned Graphics
Custom CGI Scripting
Audio Production
TIBS Prices
$ 75 an hour
$ 75 an hour
$ 75 an hour
$ 75 an hour
$ 35 each   
$100 an hour
$ 75 an hour
The Average Competition
$ 95 an hour
$ 95 an hour
$100 an hour
$ 85 an hour
$100 each   
$200 an hour
$200 an hour

Other Services

  1. Domain Name Registration - $75   (this covers the first 2 years, paid to Internic)
  2. Install Existing CGI - $ 50  
  3. Monthly Maintenance - $ 95 (starting price)
  4. Basic Marketing Plan - $250 (starting price)
  5. Network Design - $200 (starting price)

These prices are subject to change without notice due to unseen market changes.

[Image: Of the small TIBS Logo]